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Color code: Burnt Sienna

color coded


It might be the cold weather, but lately, I can’t help myself but be drawn to warm earthy tones. Likely, it is my subconscious telling me that I should move to a hotter climate. It’s been unbelievably cold here! So with that spirit I thought I’d continue the Sienna thread and explore the Burnt Sienna color range. Sienna is an earth pigment containing iron oxide and manganese oxide. In its natural state, it is yellowish-brown and is called raw sienna (I’ve talked about it in this other post). When heated, it becomes a reddish brown and is called burnt sienna. It is very similar to the terracotta color, which is trending at the moment and we see it everywhere. This color can be really versatile, especially if you’re a bit daring and you’d like to add a touch of color in a warm and earthy tone. Burnt Sienna works wonders also in modern and minimalistic interiors. I love it when paired with lots of plants and white elements. It reminds me of Spain and makes me dream of summer sunsets. 



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